Middle School Printmaking
Middle School
Artists and soon all CIPLC Artists will be working in the Art room to meet
CIPLC’s make a change (M.A.C.) goal. Students have been saving used paper all
year, and are now going through the process of turning it into new, usable
paper. The prints on display are printed on paper made by the artist.
School Artists choose between lino-cut and scratch foam printing techniques, and
then went on a hunt for inspiration. They found inspiration from nature,
musicians and online sources. They turned their inspiration into an image, and
printed it on their handmade paper. It was a long and laborious process, and
their results demonstrate great effort and hard work!
Art Objectives:
I understand how art contributes to self-expression.
I can use a variety of media, innovative combinations, and
Language Objectives:
I can generate and apply criteria to evaluate and critique the
merit and significance of works of art.
I can use the vocabulary of art to describe, explain, and
classify the information in works of art.
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