What's Happening in the Art Room?

Jose (Pre-Kinder) 

The CIPLC Art Room has been a busy place the last few weeks! High school and Middle school have been working on an extensive review of the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design, and the elementary students have been working on their own review. Everyone is starting our first big unit, Drawing, the elementary and early childhood students are working on Art in the Ancient World, while the upper level students are working on perspective and portraits. Here is a quick peek at some of the art soon to be making its way out of the Art Room and on display !

Thomas and Sophia M. (First) 
From Left to Right: Roberto, Rissel, Pablo, Mia,
Gabriela and Joshua (First) 

Kanta (Kinder) 

Dhaleska and Dion (Kinder)


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