
Showing posts from 2012

Finished Wreaths

Wreath Making was a ton of fun! The finished wreaths went on display for the MS/HS band concert last night, and all of the wreaths will go on display next Friday for the Elementary Holiday concert. Until then, enjoy the pictures! 

Wreath Making!

Wreath Making was a wonderful event. Thank you to everyone who came and made a Wreath, and to the PTO for all of their help and delicious treats! 

Camille y Los Girasoles

Click here for individual pictures! Kindergarten Artists study Vincent Van Gogh Kinder artist examined Vincent Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers.” As a class we read the story “Camille y Los Girasoles” by Laurence Anholt. Each student then created their own flower painting. They worked on traditional painting skills including color mixing and painting from background to foreground. Take a look at their lovely paintings, and read the story for yourself!   Art Objectives: I can use observations and experiences, both spontaneously and deliberately, to plan and create art. I can communicate ideas and feelings about works of art. Language Objectives: I  can use new vocabulary (ex: retrato/portrait) to talk about art. 

Beading with Preschool

Preschoolers having fun working on their fine motor skills! 

Fifth Grade Greek Story vases

Fifth grade artists studied Ancient Greece during our Art in the Ancient world unit. Each student read a Greek myth, and then summarized the story with pictures. Each student also created their own scratch paper by layering crayon and paint and drawing into the layers.

Second Grade Greek Columns

Second Grade artists have been studying Ancient Greece. They learned about the three major orders (or groups ) of columns; Ionic, Doric and Corinthian. Each student practiced drawing all three types of column. Then they took their favorite and drew it on a big scale! Check out our Greek temples, on display in the CIPLC library now! 

Middle School three-point perspective drawings

Middle School students have been working hard during their drawing unit. They studied one, two and three point perspective. Their finished three point perspective drawings are on display now outside the multipurpose room! 

Third Grade Illuminated Letters

Third Grade Illuminated Letters Third Grade artists studied Illuminated letters and manuscripts for their drawing unit. They learned about the process medieval bookmakers would go through to make each page by hand. Then each student created one illuminated letter that illustrated their point of view as an artist. Art Objectives: I can manipulate the elements of art and the principles of design to create art. I can self-assess choices and adjustments when planning and creating art. I can understand how art has influenced and defined history and culture. I can recognize that art objects, motifs, and styles define cultural identity. Language Objective: I can use the vocabulary of Art to express my knowledge. • Illuminated • Border • Value • Color • Line

Fall Carnival & CIPLC's First Pumpkin Carve

The first annual CIPLC pumpkin carve was a great event! It was wonderful to have Parents, siblings and friends come and carve pumpkins in CIPLC's cantina. We had a great turnout, and over forty creative and inventive pumpkins were carved and decorated. Among the pumpkins we had witches, pirates, a snowman, Frankenstein, a bride and many other creative designs. The pumpkin's provided lovely decoration at the fall carnival the following evening. A great time was had by all and we can't wait to do it again next year!  

Fifth Grade Unity Designs

Fifth Grade Unity Designs As the culmination of the fifth grade review of the Elements of Art and the Principles of design, the fifth grade students used their own designs to demonstrate Unity. They created and copied a simple design, and then used color, shape, pattern, line, texture, value and other techniques to create Unity.  Unity is a tricky principle, it is the idea that the pieces within a work are unified or banded together. Unity helps to create a cohesive visual concept within a work of art. In creating several versions of Unity, students had a chance to practice the concept and gain confidence. Click here for more Pictures! Art Objective:  I can   manipulate the elements of art and the principles of design to create art. Language Objective: I can use the vocabulary of Art to express my knowledge.  

Pre-Kinder Salt Painting

Pre-Kinder continued their studies of color and color mixing with salt painting. This many step process was a feat of concentration for our 4 year olds, and they did a great job. Each student create three looping lines and  then drew them again in glue. Then after the glue was dried they applied diluted food coloring and watched the colors move as the liquid was absorbed by the salt. If they placed colors close together, they could watch them mix themselves! Very cool! Click here for close ups! 

First Grade Cave Paintings

Click here for close ups! First Graders studied the cave paintings found in Lascaux, France, dating back nearly 17,300 years. These paintings are some of the best known surviving Paleolithic Art. The first graders took a virtual tour of the cave, and looked for clues about the artists. In the caves they saw bison, deer, birds, cats and people. The first graders focused on the following objectives: ·     I know all cultures make art. ·     I can use blending to make value. ·     I can use Art words to talk about my choices. 

Pre-Kindergarten Rainbow Heads

Click here for close ups! Pre-kinder started off the year learning about lines and colors. They combined their cool and crazy lines along with the colors in rainbow sequence to make some fun and funky portraits!

Art Club Explodes!

Fourth and Fifth Grade art club members have been busy creating volcanoes! They finished them last week and on Wednesday we made them erupt. It was a fun and messy afternoon! 

What's Happening in the Art Room?

Jose (Pre-Kinder)  The CIPLC Art Room has been a busy place the last few weeks! High school and Middle school have been working on an extensive review of the Elements of Art and the Principles of Design, and the elementary students have been working on their own review. Everyone is starting our first big unit, Drawing, the elementary and early childhood students are working on Art in the Ancient World, while the upper level students are working on perspective and portraits. Here is a quick peek at some of the art soon to be making its way out of the Art Room and on display ! Thomas and Sophia M. (First)  From Left to Right: Roberto, Rissel, Pablo, Mia, Gabriela and Joshua (First)  Kanta (Kinder)  Dhaleska and Dion (Kinder)  

Art Club Volcanoes!

Welcome again to another year in the CIPLC Art Room! The students are settled in, the first projects are starting to go up around school - and its getting explosive in Art Club! The fourth and fifth grade art club members are building volcanoes! We are tentatively setting our explosion date for next Wednesday the 12th of September, after school in front of the Art Room. Check back for more details! In the meantime, take a look at the volcanoes in progress!

Welcome Back!

Dear Parents, Students, and School Community, Welcome to another fantastic year at CIPLC! I am excited to start another year of Art exploration, and I hope you look forward to continuing to view work here at Art Smart @ CIPLC.  It may be a few weeks before there is finished work to be displayed in the school and online, but you can keep up with the Art Room activities on the Art Room Twitter Feed: @ArtSmartInfo, along with the website :  .The website will continue to host class announcements, documents and updates, while this Blog will continue to focus on student work. Welcome Back! Ms. Makowski

End of Year Mural Update

Apron tying is collaborative business!  Ladies and Gentleman of the Mural Club!  The mural is almost done, and the Band room is looking spectacular. Mural club was a great collaboration of Art, Band and Drama students. Make sure you stop by the band room and check out the Mural in person!

First Grade Mandalas

First Graders got into Mandalas and the ideas of Global art exchange with amazing energy. They looked at the influence that the Indian Mandala has had on the Art world over many years. They checked out art from around the world, and from current pop culture. Then they set out to create their own. Starting with a circle,  they applied all the things they learned this year about shape, pattern, unity, balance, and line. After adding tooling foil and a faux finish their Mandalas are ready for you to enjoy! 

Fourth Grade Paper Portraits

Fourth Grade students continued their Eco unit with a recycled paper portrait. Students got a brief introduction on facial proportion, which they will study in depth in fifth grade. Then the ripping began. Students ripped, shredded and tore paper to make realistic or crazy representations of themselves. You will also see one space ship, one student missed the beginning of the unit, but still got to get in on the fun! 

Middle School Found Art

Middle School students looked at Picasso's monochromatic sculpture work. They used his work as a platform to create sculptures using items destined for the trash. Items were attached to a base, and then painted. Texture was added using packing peanuts. Follow this link to see their inspiration :

High School Independent Study Critique

CHECK OUT  IMAGES COMMENT Pick one Person Check to make sure no one else has commented (look through all of the person's images) Comment on one thing you would change Comment on one thing that works well MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME (FIRST ONLY) READ Read the comments on your work and other students work

High School Independent study digital works

Character Design by Andrea Andrea's Characters

Whats Going on by the Multipurpose Room?

Confused by the empty display? Take a closer look! Click here

Third Grade Doodling Lucy

Third Grade students got creative with the Beatles. Students listened to the Beatles, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and discussed the imagery used in the lyrics. Then students sat down and started to draw along with the song. After finishing the doodle, students outlined the images in black and created a finished drawing with color. Thank you to Art Club Blog (  ) for the fantastic idea. We had a blast! 

Fifth Grade Benday Dots

Fifth graders have just finished their printmaking unit. They are studied Roy Lichtenstein and Benjamin Day and the Benday dot. Students have created a stylized design, and are made and applied their templates to create Benday Dots. 

Third Grade Coil Pots

Third grade students created coil pots, using traditional slip and score techniques. They then carved and added designs to the outside of the pots. After they finished, they painted the pots using bright colors and interesting patterns.

Earth Week: Middle School

Students of all ages have been working on earth friendly art for the past month. First and second grader have been using recycled paper for their collages, and Middle school students used recycled paper for their quilled letters. Second and fourth graders used stones and stick in creating collaborative earth friendly art. Middle school students are now creating found art sculptures using materials destined for the garbage heap. Packing peanuts, plastic bottles, cardboard boxes and other assorted items are all finding a second life as art pieces. Keep posted for pictures of their final projects!

Second Grade Math Inspired Collages

Second graders created collages inspired by math vocabulary. They created several layers, using a variety of materials, included many earth friendly choices. They used recycled paper to create shapes or designs, they used tissue paper to create a transparent layer, and added glitter, feathers and other embellishments to add visual interest. Can you find plane figures (circles, triangles, hexagons, squares, rectangles), edges, corners, angles and other math vocabulary in the collages?

Middle School Quilled Initials

Middle School students tackled reliefs, Eco-conscious art and typography during their Quilled Initial project. Students researched typography, the art and technique of arranging and creating type faces. They learned how to tell the deference between serif and sans serif, script and the different parts of each letter. Each student then either chose a font, or created their own. They used recycled paper to create quilled or curled paper. They used the quilled paper to create movement and visual interest within their initials. 

Pre Kinder Fun!

Pre-kinder students are continuing to play with shapes. They have moved on from their collage work and are playing with using basic shapes to create complex images.