
Showing posts from May, 2012

End of Year Mural Update

Apron tying is collaborative business!  Ladies and Gentleman of the Mural Club!  The mural is almost done, and the Band room is looking spectacular. Mural club was a great collaboration of Art, Band and Drama students. Make sure you stop by the band room and check out the Mural in person!

First Grade Mandalas

First Graders got into Mandalas and the ideas of Global art exchange with amazing energy. They looked at the influence that the Indian Mandala has had on the Art world over many years. They checked out art from around the world, and from current pop culture. Then they set out to create their own. Starting with a circle,  they applied all the things they learned this year about shape, pattern, unity, balance, and line. After adding tooling foil and a faux finish their Mandalas are ready for you to enjoy! 

Fourth Grade Paper Portraits

Fourth Grade students continued their Eco unit with a recycled paper portrait. Students got a brief introduction on facial proportion, which they will study in depth in fifth grade. Then the ripping began. Students ripped, shredded and tore paper to make realistic or crazy representations of themselves. You will also see one space ship, one student missed the beginning of the unit, but still got to get in on the fun! 

Middle School Found Art

Middle School students looked at Picasso's monochromatic sculpture work. They used his work as a platform to create sculptures using items destined for the trash. Items were attached to a base, and then painted. Texture was added using packing peanuts. Follow this link to see their inspiration :

High School Independent Study Critique

CHECK OUT  IMAGES COMMENT Pick one Person Check to make sure no one else has commented (look through all of the person's images) Comment on one thing you would change Comment on one thing that works well MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE YOUR NAME (FIRST ONLY) READ Read the comments on your work and other students work

High School Independent study digital works

Character Design by Andrea Andrea's Characters

Whats Going on by the Multipurpose Room?

Confused by the empty display? Take a closer look! Click here

Third Grade Doodling Lucy

Third Grade students got creative with the Beatles. Students listened to the Beatles, Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds, and discussed the imagery used in the lyrics. Then students sat down and started to draw along with the song. After finishing the doodle, students outlined the images in black and created a finished drawing with color. Thank you to Art Club Blog (  ) for the fantastic idea. We had a blast! 

Fifth Grade Benday Dots

Fifth graders have just finished their printmaking unit. They are studied Roy Lichtenstein and Benjamin Day and the Benday dot. Students have created a stylized design, and are made and applied their templates to create Benday Dots.